Vagus Nerve Reset Day Retreat

Sunday 3rd November 2024, 10am - 4.30pm

Do your digestive symptoms disrupt your work and social life?

Does bloating or abdominal discomfort hold you back from enjoying your days fully? Beyond these, perhaps you're grappling with:

  • Anxiety, emotional overwhelm, or trouble switching off.

  • Depression, a persistently low mood, or feeling emotionally numb.

  • Chronic conditions like fatigue, fibromyalgia, or even frequent insomnia.

  • Ongoing pain, migraines, chronic inflammation, or autoimmune issues.

These issues can often be traced back to one crucial system in your body: your nervous system, particularly influenced by the gut-brain-axis.

This complex system underlies the bi-directional communication between your brain and gut, linking stress directly to various health symptoms, including those of IBS and imbalances in the gut microbiome.

Why Attend the Vagus Nerve Reset Day Retreat?

This retreat offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with your core self through targeted practices that activate your vagus nerve - the key regulator of your parasympathetic nervous system.

By learning to enhance the function of your vagus nerve, you can significantly improve your body’s response to stress and reduce the symptoms associated with its mismanagement.

Whether you're battling specific health issues like hormone imbalances and mood disorders, or you suspect that stress or trauma lies at the root of your ongoing health challenges, this retreat is designed for you. The day is structured to provide not only relaxation and rejuvenation but also practical, effective strategies for ongoing wellness.

Why Attend the Vagus Nerve Reset Day Retreat?

This retreat offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with your core self through targeted practices that activate your vagus nerve - the key regulator of your parasympathetic nervous system.

By learning to enhance the function of your vagus nerve, you can significantly improve your body’s response to stress and reduce the symptoms associated with its mismanagement.

Whether you're battling specific health issues like hormone imbalances and mood disorders, or you suspect that stress or trauma lies at the root of your ongoing health challenges, this retreat is designed for you. The day is structured to provide not only relaxation and rejuvenation but also practical, effective strategies for ongoing wellness.

A Day of Indulgence and Connection

Treat yourself to a day of 'self-care' to enjoy deep relaxation, delicious, healthful food, and the company of others who are on a similar journey towards better health. The retreat promises not only a lovely day of learning and restoration but also an opportunity for meaningful social connections and positive personal transformation.

Meet the Team


Helen Ross

Helen is a registered nutritionist specialising in gut health and digestive disorders. Her expertise extends beyond irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to include managing chronic conditions such as anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, and hormone imbalances through a functional medicine approach.

In 2018, Helen founded The Well Life Lab, where she offers personalised gut health programmes and virtual consultations. She’s passionate about applying her deep understanding of the vagus nerve’s role in wellness to help clients achieve sustainable health improvements.

Join Helen at the Vagus Nerve Reset Day Retreat to discover practical, life-enhancing strategies for harmonizing gut health with overall well-being.


Email: [email protected]




Nat Vallely

Nat is a certified facilitator in Conscious Connected Breathwork, a transformative practice designed to stimulate the nervous system - particularly the vagus nerve. This technique is scientifically backed and fundamentally changes how the body responds to stress.

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a unique deep diaphragmatic breathing technique that helps to unlock stored emotions and experiences that shape our personality and behaviour. By actively engaging in this breathwork, you can access unconscious memories and beliefs, integrating them to prevent their continued influence on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

Unintegrated memories and beliefs can perpetuate negative thought patterns, behaviours, and responses, contributing to chronic health issues stemming from a dysregulated nervous system. Nat's guided breathwork sessions provide a safe environment to release these trapped emotions, leading to profound neurological adaptation and a decompressed nervous system.



What does the day involve?

10am: Arrive. Welcome drink

10.30am: Introduction to the Vagus Nerve and relaxation practices.

Culinary adaptogens and mini-workshop with Helen

12.30pm: Organic Vegetarian Lunch (gf, df)

1.30pm: Transformational Breathwork session with Nat

3pm: Delicious plant-based afternoon tea (gf,df)

4pm: Closing circle and meditation

4.30pm: Finish

About the Vagus Nerve

What is the parasympathetic nervous system and why is it important?

The parasympathetic nervous system helps us unwind and relax, reducing cortisol levels - our body's stress hormones. It plays a crucial role in helping the body recover from stress and maintain a state of balance.

What is the vagus nerve and its role in the body?

The vagus nerve, also known as the "wandering nerve," is the tenth cranial nerve. It originates in the brainstem and extends to the gut, forming a key part of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is vital for sending signals between the gut and the brain and plays a significant role in the gut-brain axis.

How does the vagus nerve influence our health?

The vagus nerve impacts various systems within our bodies:

Endocrine System: Influences our hormones.

Immune System: Affects immune resilience and inflammation.

Cardiovascular System: Regulates blood pressure and heart rate.

Respiratory System: Affects breathing patterns.

Neurotransmitters: Impacts mental health, helping to control anxiety and depression.

What are the consequences of chronic stress on the vagus nerve?

Chronic stress can lead to decreased vagal tone, which may result in:

Poor digestion and delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis).

Poor gut motility.

Elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate.

Cognitive impairments.

An exacerbated stress response.

How does increasing vagal tone benefit us?

Increasing vagal tone enhances your body's ability to suppress inflammation and support immune resilience. It also improves stress resistance and has positive effects on mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Improved vagal tone can also ameliorate symptoms of IBS and other digestive issues.

What can we do to improve our vagal tone?

Engaging in restful and calming activities can activate the vagus nerve more effectively. Practices such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga can help increase vagal tone and, as a result, enhance overall health and well-being.

Limited spaces so early bookings recommended.

Do your health a favour and join us at this beautiful location for a day of learning, rest, relaxation, and deep transformation.


“Wow what an amazing day we all had, it was the best.I have been to a few health events but I have to say yours was the most rewarding and beneficial.” - Ellie

“The best day retreat I’ve been to.” - Lucy

“I would like to say a huge thank you to you all. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, and all the food was delicious.I would definitely consider another visit.” - Jo

The Venue

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